Diagnosing Quadcopter Flight Problems

Written by: Tony Korologos | Date: Friday, July 31st, 2015
Categories: Build LogCamera GimbalMultirotor AircraftRandom

Strange behavior in my Alien last night. Finally tried a test flight of the new setup with my gimbal mount forward and battery back a tiny bit. This is to attempt to get the props out of the video/photo frame.


On take off my bird would not yaw clockwise, only counter. And it would not hold position. Luckily I was able to land it without doing any damage as I had minimal control. I recalibrated the GPS/compass but still issues. A look at my motor outputs (photo below) shows the clockwise motors are at a much lower output than the other two.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 9.15.17 PM


Because of this event I decided to upgrade the firmware on the MiniX flight controller and will probably go through all the stick calibrations again.  More testing soon.

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